Program Review and Cultural Transformation

Large Community Hospital


A large community hospital found that it was struggling with an unsettled internal culture. Staff morale was poor, there was a lack of collaboration between staff members and departments, and turnover was high.

Through extensive stakeholder engagement, leadership support and empowerment, and thorough process review, established a change strategy and action plan to turn the program around.  Our detailed approach began with extensive engagement between our team and the stakeholders of the hospital. We conducted a thorough process review, and provided the leadership team with support and empowerment throughout the program. A complete change strategy and action plan were developed to alter the hospital’s internal atmosphere. Over the course of 10 months, we transformed the hospital’s platform into highly effective and productive clinical program supported by a renewed culture of collaboration and performance excellence.


Our detailed approach began with extensive engagement between our team and the stakeholders of the hospital. We conducted a thorough process review, and provided the leadership team with support and empowerment throughout the program. A complete change strategy and action plan were developed to alter the hospital’s internal atmosphere. Over the course of 10 months, we transformed the hospital’s platform into highly effective and productive clinical program supported by a renewed culture of collaboration and performance excellence.


  1. Complete turnaround of internal culture within the hospital program.

  2. Significant reduction in staff turnover.

  3. Major increase in overall staff wellbeing.

  4. Substantial improvements in patient experience.

  5. Staff survey results after one year:

    1. “Looking forward to coming to work”: Increased from 20% to 78%.

    2. “Comfortable to raise concern”: Increased from 27% to 78%.


ED Wait Time & System Transformation


Established Corporate Process Redesign Office