Ambulatory Care Redesign

(Academic Hospital)


An academic hospital identified a lack of standardization across its ambulatory clinics and misalignment of ambulatory growth within the organization’s strategic plan. It looked to conduct a comprehensive review of all ambulatory care services across the institution in order to identify opportunities for improvement in care, access, patient experience and efficiency. The hospital said it was important that there be a maintained commitment to fostering academic and research excellence within the ambulatory practice, as well as full alignment with the strategic plan and prioritization of all clinical services.


We established a multi-disciplinary, inter-professional steering committee with leadership representation in all programs and services to provide both strategic direction and tactical decision making. This ensured buy-in and oversight throughout implementation and change management.

We completed an internal and external assessment of healthcare services and patient needs, both immediate and long-term. Best practice models for ambulatory care were thoroughly researched across leading healthcare systems in Canada and the US. To effectively evaluate flow and optimize operations, we also completed time studies and computer aided simulation.


  1. Created a best practice ambulatory care model with a standardized framework which encompassed all clinical operations (Referral, Scheduling, Registration, In-room care and Follow-up).

  2. Developed guidelines to align growth decisions in ambulatory services with the organization’s strategic plan.

  3. Optimized the use of system resources and healthcare partner services to offer the best possible care to the patient population.

  4. Provided the tools needed for continuous monitoring and evaluation.

  5. Delivered a detailed action plan for each ambulatory clinic and supported leadership throughout the change process to achieve the new vision.


Strategic Planning & Enterprise Risk Management


Patient Experience Strategy